Sta Choir

Music Ministry


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Sacred Music

Music at Mass is a symbolic language of worship performed with a spirit of grace, humility, and sincere reverence. The gift of music is a vehicle to God’s revelation, being blessed with a very small window into His True Presence that can only be brought to us fully through the Eucharist. This connection with God brings an enhanced relationship, most especially in the singing of chants, and hymns of praise during the Mass. When singing praise to God during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, we are united and brought closer to Him.


Members of the music ministry will lead the gathered community in the sung prayer of the Church through songs, psalms, litanies, and responses. This ministry inspires and animates those gathered into full, conscious, and active participation at Mass. Music ministers will be involved in Sunday and Holy Day Eucharistic Liturgies as well as other Liturgies, depending on the time of year or occasion, including occasional concerts.

Qualities Needed

Music ministers will possess a servant-leader attitude, where there is an understanding that the music is at the service of the Liturgy and not vice versa. Musical skills are helpful, which simply include being able to carry a tune, matching pitch and a basic understanding of musical notation. All music ministers must share in the Pastor’s vision of a singing assembly, always attempting to keep the connection between the music and the Liturgy.

Time Commitment

Rehearsals are on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:00pm. The choir warms-up at 10:25am, and sings at the 11:00am Mass. If you are an instrumentalist, and interested in serving, you are also welcome to get involved. Please contact the Music Director to learn more about getting involved in this beautiful ministry.